Due to the success of the NSA, there are some areas that has blacklisted us (well we assume they did, due to our "lively behaviour"). This will serve as a reminder to NSA members to not disturb them again with our wreckless beheviour.
Thanks guys btw for reminding me of alot of our terrifying events that I forgot about! When I'm bored later on, each of these will have a recap of what happened for us to get blacklisted (or for us to THINK we're black listed)
Eastwood/Epping Area
* Sam's Café (Epping)
* Chocolate Café (Eastwood)
* NamViet (Eastwood)
* Arigato (Eastwood)
* Ashita (Eastwood)
* EasyWay (Epping)
* EasyWay (Eastwood)
West Area
* Muffin Break (Olympic Park)
* Jupun's House (Shall remain a secret in case people want to stalk her)
City Area
* Gelatisomohacia (Central)
* Norita (Town Hall)
* Swissôtel (Town Hall)
Northshore Area
* San Churros (no discrimination meant, it is seriously the actual name of the product) "Negro Icecreams" (Chatswood)
* Toraya Restaurant (Chatswood)
* Upstairs Jap/Krn Restaurant (Chatswood)
* Genki (Artarmon)
* Gelatissimo (Chatswood)
Eastern Area
* Pheonix YumCha Place (Bondi)
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November 7, 2008 at 5:01 PM
Haha did we go to a chocolate cafe in Chatswood and terrorise it as well? Why am I so surprised? Typical
November 7, 2008 at 5:31 PM
Yeah, remember the one at the top level of Westfield? It had an icecream that Jupun and Lau loved, called Negro Flavour!
November 8, 2008 at 5:43 PM
LOL and you guys were only there for like 10 minutes.
November 8, 2008 at 6:14 PM
HAHAHA that was 10 gruesome minutes for the store owners... more details of our infamous activities in restaurants will be published on the site ;)
December 8, 2008 at 10:01 PM
I noticed you were blacklisted at Toraya in Chatswood. The manager there is the rudest pig I have ever met so I hope you gave them hell. He was telling off innocent diners so thanks for the revenge!!! You should reconvene at the food court outside it!
December 9, 2008 at 4:04 PM
No problems Will! Your support has given much encouragement to our activities. Are there any other restaurants that you would request us to visit?