This can be a constantly organised area for NSA members and followers to see what upcoming events there are!
Kez's Bread Baking Show
Date: 13th November 9am DO NOT SLEEP IN GUYS
Location: Kez's house
Who: Everyone who likes watching a bread rise from flour (obviously that's all of us)
Judy's Juicy Birthday - 14th November (this day also marks the end of exams for UNSW WOOO)
Lau's Wagaya Terror
Date: 15th November (I won't be there =[) omg sorry guys I confused the crap out of everyone LOL
Location: Wagaya Jap Restaurant, Haymarket
Who: Also the select few members and staff who have been invited via email!
Wank's Wadiful Birthday - 25th November
Krinkress Kat's Krusty Birthday - 22nd December
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